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DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂
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产品编号: 6891

产品简介:DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂的产品说明。

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DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂

DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂

DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂

DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂

DHL 3效合1宠物专业洗毛剂



Nature's Pharmacy
tearless formular
The safety of DHL flea and tick products is a top priority for DHL. We hold our products to the strictest efficacy standards because the relationship between you and your pet is very important to us. And nothing helps flourish that relationship more than having a healthy pet. In fact, DHL is committed to providing you with products that will quickly and effectively get rid of fleas, ticks and mosquitoes to keep your pet pest-free.

3in1 Conditioning Hypoallergenic
Detoxifying Gentle Hypoallergenic

Specially formulated for sensitive skin to clean, condition and detangle your pet’s coat. Very mild formula ideal for pets with skin sensitive to standard detergent shampoos, perfumes, or dyes. Allergy sufferers will also benefit from the exceptionally mild formula with Jojoba Oils. Gentle cleansing action produces a clean, fresh coat. Ends snarls, tangles and matting problems. Premium conditioning ingredients leave coat soft and shiny. No added dyes.




